Friday, June 3, 2011

3 Wéris, a megalithic site in the Belgian Ardennes

The menhirs, dolmens, and natural stone structures of Wéris seem to be linked together in an astronomical way. They were dated 3000-2800 BC. Different alignments can easily be traced.

The Pierre Haina (17 on the map), the stone of the ancestors, is a natural rock on top of a hill, visible from the other sites in the valley, kind of a point of reference. Every year it is painted white, probably to enhance its visibility. A very old tradition.

The northern dolmen (1 on the map)

The southern dolmen (5 on the map)

Seen from the back with its row of menhirs (6 on the map)
The Romanesque church of Wéris, 11th century  (16 on the map)

The Danthine menhir (3 on the map)

The devil's bed (18 on the map)

Possible alignments

Seen from the southern dolmen, de sun rises on June 21 (summer solstice) above the Pierre Haina. A perfect east-west line can be traced between the Pierre Haina and the northern dolmen, the direction of sunrise on the equinoxes.

 The village

The village spring

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